Aptos research director Alexander Spiegelman took to social media to question Monad's plagiarism of its technology, saying he did not understand why Monad spent a lot of time copying Aptos' technology, and that it was open-source and had peer-reviewed papers. In response, Monad co-founder James Hunsaker countered, saying that he had been working on software transactional memory (STM) in the Haskell environment for a long time, and that BlockSTM was just a simple extension of these technologies, ...
Aptos研究主管Alexander Spiegelman在社交媒体发文质疑 Monad 抄袭其技术,称不理解Monad为何要花费大量时间抄袭Aptos的技术,并表示这些技术都是开源的且有经同行评审的论文。 对此,Monad联合创始人James Hunsaker予以反驳,称其早年就在Haskell环境中研究软件事务内存(STM),BlockSTM只是这些技术的简单扩展,并强调从未查看过任何Aptos的代码。
On September 5th, Alexander Spiegelman, head of research at Aptos Labs, announced the launch of Aptos' new consensus protocol, Raptr. Raptr combines major DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) technologies to unlock high TP while retaining optimal theoretical latency. He said the team will deploy Raptr in two phases, with the first phase coming soon.
9月5日消息,Aptos Labs研究主管Alexander Spiegelman宣布Aptos推出新的共识协议Raptr。Raptr结合了主要的DAG(有向无环图)技术来解锁高TP,同时保留最佳理论延迟。他表示,团队将分两个阶段部署Raptr,第一阶段即将推出。